shower screens

Take Advantage Of Frameless Shower Screen Melbourne

Frameless shower screen Melbourne

Installing a frameless shower screen Melbourne in your bathroom can be a major money saver. Not only are shower screens more affordable than traditionally framed shower enclosures, but they give the option of having a completely open floor plan. Taking advantage of frameless shower screens offer all the benefits of framed shower enclosures without the cost and weight of a permanent frame. Learn from this article on how to take advantage of frameless shower screens in Melbourne – read these 10 tips.

Use a Glass Panel –

Glass Panels are very easy to install as well as remove, which makes them the most flexible type of shower screen. When installed in a frameless shower screen Melbourne, the glass panel is simply slipped into place next to the wall. No trimming is required as the glass panel blends seamlessly with the wall. This creates a clean look that goes well with modern minimalist designs.
Glass panels are great for smaller spaces because the glass panels can be cut to fit the exact length and size of the area that requires coverage. If trim is required along the wall, there are no worries as the panel will cover the exposed trim.

No Clear Door –

The door to the shower enclosure is usually frameless as well. In a frameless shower screen Melbourne, the door glass is usually clear so that the viewer can see the shower pan below. In this way, everyone can take a look at the pan ahead of time without worrying about who is looking at the shower screen. This allows everyone to quickly look at the shower screen without being squinted at.

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Frameless shower screen Melbourne
Less Maintenance –

Glass Panels require very little maintenance. Unlike trim and door glass, the glass panel just needs to be wiped down or cleaned with a damp cloth once in a while. No repainting is required and no cleaning fluids are needed. This means that a single shower screen will last for many years without needing to be replaced.

Saving Money –

In today’s economy, every penny counts. Installing a frameless shower screen Melbourne can help to save money. These screens are usually less than $50 and do not take up nearly as much space as a traditional shower pan. This makes them a great investment if you are looking for ways to cut your budget.

Easier Maintenance –

Glass shower screens can be harder to clean than traditional shower pan. However, it is quite easy to remove the grout from a traditional shower pan. When dealing with glass, this becomes more complicated. Using a glass screen, it is quite easy to take out the grout and replace it with a new pan. This will allow you to keep your shower screen looking new and clean, which is very important to most people.

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